The King without Crown

King Lear's lake by Tryppyhead

Lear learns a new ethically outpourings
 And human partner with one another
As if the next of kin lying frontier. 
Nowhere in signal in early stages 
Of the play of tension developing phases 
Of ruthless materialism? 
Of which can be counted but dandyism? 
Gloucester and Kent talk of the division
Lear wants his daughters to express rescission 
The dimensions of their love; 
The knights being crucial and tough.
Where a man appears and what he owns, 
An air of being bits and pieces under coercions
By his daughters into helpful needs for a retinue,
Lear’s speech ‘O reason not the need’ show, 
Like magnificently but cracks down in confusion. 
He seems to be asserting to man’s delusion 
Superfluous items to mark him off; 
Of the line being thought to develop 
A view that he will draw closer to yank. 
Throughout the storm that Lear’s dishearten
His footing towards a conception 
Of what a man really is! 
What his true needs are! 
From wild against charlatan, 
He turns to sympathy for the unrehearsed 
‘Meager Nude Wretches’ 
Before patting one himself by dragging 
Off his clothes in emulation of poor 
Tom receding. He, by his mulch-ethnic outlook enunciates 
Through the world of surface impressions 
He recognizes being gallantry of the lowliest.
Lear continues to learn of keen necessity 
Of honesty, sincerity and openness. 
Which culminates in his reunion with Cordelia? 
And particularly in his birds in the cage speech. 
The vital thing those one loves and trusts, 
To seek and offer amnesty as could be dictated 
To make merriments amid destruction and seized.
 And Lear’s justice handed fair dealing; 
Those with the whip-hand of power 
And authorities often abuse it. 
Lear’s trial of his daughter’s affection 
His disgusting punishment of Cordelia and Kent; 
The flaying of Lear and Gloucester by
Just this minute Installed high and mighty; 
The cruel death of Cordelia. 
Against the rascal beadle and robber 
And furred gowns in a fulminating pester 
On evil motives where Gloucester donates a lot
Understanding his blinding, by rich 
And elevated a channel which simply attracts 
Goodness from the ordinary servants 
And the old man who guides him. 
The magnitude of sharing affluence and excess. 
The best certification of righteousness seems
To lie not in setting one man over another,
But in mutual sympathy and regard 
For each others dignity and needs. 
To conjecture that lusting after riches 
And belongings eventually like self slaughter 
And severe death of Cornwall, Goneril, Regan,
 And Edmond seems to peak to this.
 Lear and Gloucester- two old men 
Who suffer And loss so much –seem in a sense to be jubilant, 
Or they achieve some grasp of man’s require 
For outspokenness, justice, truth and love.


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