Introduction to Ms Word and getting to work

For starting MS Word:

After opening the Computer, You will find: Start button on the task bar then you will Click on the Programs, you will then get the application to work.
From Programs, you will find a list of programs, then click  MS Word , then you will go to MS Word application package to work.

After opening Word, you will find a default setting screen. In this screen, you will set zoom and then set the font style and font size. You can set with the help of Standard tool bar or for changing the size of the font you can press Ctrl +] (for increasing one font up) and Ctrl +[ ( for decreasing one font down ). If you find that there is no standard tool bar on the screen, then you have to set the toolbar as follows.

&  Click View menu
&  Click toolbar
&  Then click Standard Toolbar

 Or in case of customizing any kind of toolbar, you can bring/ customize the toolbar from the view menu in this way. Suppose if any item of the standard toolbar or formatting toolbar is missing from the screen, you can bring that item by following the rules.

&  Setting up the Zoom :

¨      Click view menu
¨      Click zoom
¨      Click the percentage bar, what percentage of the screen you would like to make it  ' visible' i.e. you may want to use zoom to enlarge or shrink the display.
Before you start working in word, you may want to customize your screen. At a minimum, consider maximizing the word window by clicking the document Maximize button. Once you've maximized the word window or the document window, word will replace the application Maximize button with an application re-store button or the document maximize button ; click a restore button to restore the button to its pre-maximized size.

&  Displaying and hiding the Rulers

 To help you position your text optimally on the page, word offers a horizontal ruler in Normal view and both horizontal and vertical rulers in page lay out view and print preview. You can either display the ruler on-screen or keep it hidden but available. To toggle the display of the ruler on and off, choose View, Click Ruler. To pop-up the horizontal ruler momentarily, move the insertion point to the thin bar at the top of the current document window. Then ruler will appear automatically. And the ruler will disappear when you move the insertion point away. To pop-up the vertical ruler in Page Layout View or Print Preview, move the insertion point  to the thin bar at the left edge of the current document window. The vertical ruler will appear automatically, and it will disappear when you move the insertion point away.
Note :  You cannot display the ruler continuously in one line lay out view, but you can pop-it up when you need it.

&  Working with Text, Graphics, and Text Boxes

As with most word-processing applications, the basic unit of Word is the paragraph. These aren't paragraphs as people generally understand them: A paragraph in word consists of a paragraph mark (made by pressing Enter] and any text, (or graphic), between it and the previous paragraph mark ( or the beginning of the document ). In other words, a paragraph consists of anything [text, a graphic, a space or even nothing at all ] that appears between two paragraph marks, up to and including the second paragraph mark.
This seems a strange way to describe it, but a paragraph mark with nothing between it and the previous paragraph mark is considered a full paragraph. You can treat each paragraph as a unit formatting with styles for moving and copying.

&  Entering text

To enter text in your document, simply position the insertion point where you want the text to appear and type it in. Word will automatically wrap text as it reaches the end of a line. Press Enter to start a new paragraph. If you want to move a new line without starting a new paragraph- for example, so there is no space between lines- press Shift+Enter to start a new line without the same paragraph. When you reach the end of a page, word will automatically break text onto the next page, if you , you can start a new page  at any point  by inserting  a page break. To do so, press Ctrl+ Enter.

&  Insert and Overtype Mode

Word offers two modes for adding text to your documents: Insert mode and Overtype mode. In insert mode (default mode ] , characters you type  are inserted into the text to the left of the insertion point, pushing any characters to the right of the insertion point farther to the right. If you want to replace existing text in insert mode, select the text using either the mouse or the key board and type  in the text you want to insert in its place. In insert mode, the OVR indicator on the status bar is dimmed. In overtype mode, any character you type replaces the character if any to the immediate right of the insertion point. When word is in Overtype mode, the OVR indicator on the status bar is active (darkened) . To toggle between Insert mode and overtype mode, double-click the OVR indicator on the status bar.

&  Moving the insertion point :

In word, you move the insertion point using either the mouse or the keyboard.
Using the Mouse:
To position the insertion point using the mouse, simply move the mouse pointer to where you want it and click. Use the vertical scroll bar or the roller on the IntelliMouse to move up and down through your document as you drag the box in the scroll bar in a multi-page document, word will display a small box showing you which page you are on, use the horizontal scroll bar to move from side to side as necessary.
Click the next page and previous page buttons to move to the next page and previous page, respectively. Make sure these buttons are black, which indicates that word is browsing by page. If they are blue, that means word is browsing by a different item, such as sections or comments. To reset word to browse by page, click the object browser button between next and previous buttons.

Using Keyboard shortcuts

Word offers a number of keystrokes and key combinations to move the insertion point swiftly through the document. Besides left arrow on the keyboard to move left one character, right arrow to move right to one character, Top arrow move up one line, and down arrow to move down one line, you can use Page Up and Page Down  Key , Ctrl + Home key is used to bring the insertion point to the beginning of the text and Ctrl+ End key is used to bring the insertion point to the end of the text.
The following keystrokes and combinations are used while working in Word Document.

Ctrl + L
Left Alignment
Ctrl + R
Right Alignment
Ctrl + E
Center Alignment
Ctrl + J
Justified Alignment
Ctrl + right arrow
One word to the right
Ctrl + left arrow
One word to the left
Ctrl + top arrow
To the beginning of the current paragraph or ( if the insertion point is at the beginning of a paragraph ) to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Ctrl + down arrow
To the beginning of the next paragraph
To the end of the current line.
Ctrl + End
To the end of the document
To the start of the current line
Ctrl + Home
To the start of the document
Up one screen's worth of text
Down one screen's worth of text
To the first character on the current screen
To the last character on the current screen
Alt + Shift +D
For date
Alt + Shift +T
For time
Ctrl +]
For increasing one font up
Ctrl + [
For decreasing one font down
Alt + Ctrl +I
Print preview
Alt +F4
To close the window
Page break
Shift + Enter
Beginning of the paragraph
Ctrl +N
For new document
For  opening the document
For copying the document
Ctrl +V
For paste the document
Ctrl +X
For cutting the document
Ctrl +Shift +>
To increase twice up of the font
Ctrl +Shift +<
Just reverse of the above ( To decrease twice down of the font )
Ctrl + Shift +
Ctrl +=
Subscript A
Ctrl +A
To select the document
Ctrl +Z
To undo action
Ctrl +Y
To Redo action
Ctrl +P
Ctrl +F
Ctrl +H
Ctrl +B
Ctrl +I
Ctrl +U
Single spacing
Double spacing
Multiple spacing
Ctrl +D
Ctrl +G
Find and Replace/Go To
Ctrl +K
Insert and hyper link
Ctrl +M
Increase Indents
Ctrl +Q
Center alignment
Ctrl +T
Hanging Indents
Ctrl +W
To close the file
Alt +A
Table Menu
Alt +W
Window Menu
Alt +E
Edit Menu
Alt +T
Tools Menu
Alt +I
Insert Menu
Alt +F
File Menu
Alt +V
View Menu
Alt +O
Format Menu
Alt +H
Help Menu
Alt +Ctrl+ E
End Notes
Alt + Ctrl+O
On Line View
Alt + Ctrl +F
Foot Notes
Ctrl +N
For new document

For Creating file, the following are the rules :

Click File Menu, then New and then a new screen will appear, you will begin to type by using Key board within a definitive font size and font style and the document must be within the particular page setup where margins ( left, right, top, bottom) and paper orientation to be specified.

&  For Saving the new file

 Click the File Menu, and then Save, then you will find Save as Dialogue box, write a name restricted within 255 characters,  then the folders.
(under root folder, a sub folder as a folder and then Sub-sub folder as another folder) and then O.K/Enter.
For any change of the text, you then simply go to the file Menu and then go to the  Save Commands.

&  Rules for Opening files

First you open the document in which name the document is in the Computer.

Click File Menu, then Open Command, and then select the document according to the folders and O.K/Enter

&  Page Set Up

If you are going to print document, you need to see how it should appear on the page.  Page set up offers you to change margins, the paper size, the layout of the paper, and even which printer tray comes from.

Setting Margins

To set the margins for your document:
¨      Click the margin tab in the page set up dialog box.
¨      In the boxes for top, bottom, left and right margins, use the spinner arrow to enter the measurement you want for each margin, alternatively, type in a measurement

Setting Paper Size

Word lets you print on paper of various size, offering a Custom option to allow you to set a peculiar paper size of your own, in addition to the various standard paper and envelope sizes.
 To change the size of the paper you are printing on:
¨      Click the paper size tab of Page Set Up dialog box.
¨      In the paper size drop down list box:
¨      Choose the size of the paper you will be working with (for example, letter 8½ X 11inch).
¨      If you can’t find the width and height of paper you want, use the width and height boxes to set the width and height


Setting Paper Orientation

To change the orientation of the page you are working on:
v  Click the paper size tab of the page setup dialog box and ;
v  Choose portrait or landscape in the orientation group box.
Word handles by letting you know to divide documents into Sections, each of which can have different characteristics

&  Creating a Section

To create a section:

v  Place the insertion point where you want the new section to start.
v  Choose Insert-Break. Word will display the Break dialog box.
v  Choose the type of section break to insert by clicking one of the option buttons in the section break area.
v  Next page- Starts the section from the next page
v  Continuos-Start the section from the same page
v  Even page-Starts the section from the new even page
v  Odd page-Starts the section from the new odd page

&  Deleting a Section

To delete a section break, place the insertion point at the beginning of the section break and press the Delete Key

Rules for writing file name/ page no/ date/ time

Setting Up Of Headers and Footers

Headers and Footers give you an easy way to repeat identifying information on each page of your document. For example, in a header, you might include the title of a document and  the author, while in a footer you might include the file name, the date and the page number out of total number of pages in the document.

&  Setting Headers and Footers

To include a header in your document:
¨      Choose View-Header and Footer.  Word will display  the page in Page Layout View and will display the Header and Footer toolbar.
¨      Enter the text for the header in the header area at the top of the page.  Use the buttons on the Header and Footer toolbar to speed your work.

&  Animating Text
If you create fancy screen presentation, you might want to take a look at Word’s animation feature, which can make your text shimmer, sparkle or blink.
Place your insertion point where you want the animation to begin or select the text you want to animate.
¨      Choose Format Menu-Font.
¨      Select the Animation tab.
¨      Select the effect you want to use and click OK.

Notice that the preview box shows you the result of the selected animation.

For Documents printing :

Click the File,
Then Select the Print Command,
Print dialogue box will appear,
Then select the name of the printer where you will print, then

In the Page range:
Ø  All, for  printing  all pages
Ø  Current, for printing the current page only.
Ø  Page range, for printing the selected page only.
Ø  Number of copies and then OK/Enter.


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