The immoral social evil forces

There is no denying the fact that the social evils as prevailing in our country may be identified as the great bottlenecks   for overall prosperity and economic stability in our country. It is a fact that the social evils like child labor, acid violence, dowry system, strangling maids, raping, pollutions environmentally, corruption and drug addiction are colossal impediments as mixed with our blood and bone. However, the following evils are enumerated as the reflection of social evil constraints in question:

Ø Corruption:

Almighty Allah has propelled people to the terrain with all crucial things fundamentally imperative for their endurance. Deity has also bequeathed upon them some rules for leading their lives controlled and cleanly and as such he has accordingly bestowed upon some rules and regulation so that human beings can lead his life by following these instructions like complete code of every well beings of eternity virtually and ideally. If they go out of these rules, they become nonplussed what to do. Corruption lies in rendering services in the field of both private and public sector. When a man degenerates himself, he stigmatizes himself by entering into the world of dimness as well as fallacious from where he can never get rid of. He commits crime, such as smuggling, robbing, murdering, snatching and dilapidation etc. Failure waits for him everywhere. Even if, he is attracted by innumerable but deadly forbidden things. Being educated, he becomes addicted to evil works in society. He knows that it is the transient and allusion of worldly affairs, which has no eternal value in the real sense. In many times, it is observed that he becomes ambitious and many harmful activities are performed in social life. He knows that being corrupt and heinous work, the society cannot consider him as an evil person; never the less; every body is in the way to run after such forbidden things. In many times the terror leaders welcome him and encourage him to do the forbidden things. Thus a person becomes the leader of the country and occupies a very influential position in the society by doing all the forbidden things like bribing, mal practicing and thieving. Hence forth, it is seen that from every branches of the Government corruption is a common phenomenon for which the nation would like to lead a healthy life. Bangladesh is a highly populated country and as such the double entendre among her resources and needs are prevailing every time to a great extent. Due to spinelessness of wealth, here one-fourth people cannot satisfy their daily needs for which no one is satisfied with his family life. It is a very difficult doohickey for someone to get a job, as there are fewer vacancies in offices, industries and so on. When people cannot find any occupation or job for earning their livelihood, they do not get any alternative measures except committing crimes. So unemployment is a reason for being a criminal and the opportunist apply this sense in evil manner and influence him to do the job of mischievous and heinous deeds for which he remains depleted through out his whole life.

Ø  Terrorism:

                   In this world everyone needs a companion to live with society, friendship and love. That is why, people make friendship in the hope to have good fortune to deal future life. But every friend might not stand beside another friend in weal and woe. He sometimes pushes him towards danger and inspires him for doing anti-social activities, which is called ‘crime’. Therefore, being a criminal, he may be infected with the misleading people. Suffice it to say that due to frustrated socio-economic conditions prevailing in our country, our society of youths is leading very miserable life. They are creating hindrance and preventing the people from dealing normal life as they are sometimes no longer lost to play a role of terrorists as well as miscreants. Due to the fact that poverty is the indispensable reason for doing criminal assault on the part of the youths. Any person belonging to a poor family has to pass his days through hard struggle. He surely wants to develop his condition. On the other hand, for being poor, he does not get opportunity to be educated properly. Consequently, he cannot have any respectable occupation. At last, finding no other alternatives, he commits crime as his profession. If we are able to reach our goal as expected, it is universal that glory of success must wait for us in future. But we must have to work arduously for that golden opportunity. Otherwise our all hopes and aspirations will be nipped in the bud. No one cannot get salvation of ideal love and peace from God by following the path vices and misfortune. Dr. Faustus was an uncommon genius but by committing seven deadly sins with the exchange of his soul into the hell by taking 24 years kingdom in the eternal world had been thrown to the hell.  Lucifer, the owner of the hail grew jealous of him for his talent and geniuses and made a deed by way of Mephistopheles with Faustus. Later, Faustus became lamented but due to his colossal crime, he was thrown to the hell for his misdeeds for long 24 years. That is to say, if a man is addicted to bad habits during childhood, he cannot get rid of from such criminal assault for which he has to repent on through out his whole life. Youth is the best season of good harvest and as such it is like mild mud and henceforth, he needs to proceed his life very carefully.  Mainly for these three reasons, we are loosing many brightly illuminated resource personnel to place them on the basis of  'Right man for the right place' of our country. We need to end all these frolicsome activities. We must come across some way to get rid of mischievous debris and save the bewildered people of our country. The Government also should take actions against such awful activities. First of all, the people here should be aware of the explosion of population and they must not possess more than two children. Secondly, we need to be careful about making friendship, so that we don’t have any bad company. And at last, we must have to recognize the importance of education. No matter how poor we are, we have to try our level best to gain knowledge. In this context, Socrates said," Knowledge is virtue, from knowledge, virtue and goodness flourish; from ignorance, he said, all that is evil."

Ø  Environment Pollution:

            According to Commoneous," What comes from God is true and with the touch of human beings, it becomes untrue". Again, in this context, Keats says," The truth is beauty and beauty is truth ". Hence all the sources of beauties and the truth are this world. The world we live in is the most attractive place with striking landscapes and features, wild and domesticated animals, and a variety of odoriferous flowers, evergreen trees and the most wonderful creation of the Lord- the human beings. The world has been created for the human beings so that they would applause the Lord for his power and preserves these natural beauties with undiminished care. But ever since, the world began; man has been doing the opposite thing bit by bit. He has been making progress in science and industry; great deals of landscape and wild life are being abolished day by day. Over population in small areas has given birth to traffic jam and poverty, which destroys the people. Trees have been cut down to make way for construction of modern buildings. Waste disposal is discarded on land and water, which spread mosquitoes. Mosquitoes enter the household and sit on food and spray dirt on the food from the waste and many more harmful activities for which man has started to destroy the beauty of the world. In clearing forests to create fields for farming and constructing new houses, man destroys the native animals and takes away their sources of food. His domestic animals kill them or man haunts them for meat, ivory or furs. Consequentially, the numbers of those haunted animals are minimized and a few numbers of these animals' lives are at stake. The contaminations are common phenomena through out the world causing a great crisis against our healthy environment in question. Our environment is greatly being polluted every time due to air and water pollution. Air is mainly being polluted from smokes. When the bricks are burnt, unbounded smokes are created. The compositions of such smoke particles are nicotine, thiophin, phuran, phosgene, sulfur dioxide and pyridine. These particles pollute the air tremendously. The smokes are also created when different vehicles ply over along the streets. For these reasons, all the streets are filled with the smokes that adversely affect the human health conditions. Burning poisonous gases like sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, nitric acids and sulfuric acids, again create the smokes. These particles make the air heavy and polluted.  In order to construct buildings, dams and embankments, lots of plants and trees are cut down and subsequently these are burnt for bricks for which air is polluted to a great extent. In the winter-based country, the plants and trees are being planted in the artificial manner by storing sun light under some restricted environment. The things, which are being done in the green house, are the increasing of carbon dioxide, which affects the environment adversely. We need to ensure the proper use of carbon dioxide by growing the plants and trees adequately without which congenital atmosphere for our survival on earth would not have been possible.

Atmospheric pollution:

The problems of green house effects are throughout the world for which we should find out ways and means to solve the impediments, which create health hazards in our every day life. The CFC gas is the product of tremendous effects of greenhouse chattels and as a result, our environment is being polluted creating a great health hazard in question. The fact is that due to tremendous increase of CFC gas and carbon dioxide, ozone layer is consequently licked and the ultra-violet ray from the Ionosphere is in the way to hit the earth directly for which the surface temperature is gradually increasing and the ice is melted and the depth of the sea is also being increased. It is hoped in future that in course of time, the earth will be inundated under water. It has been observed in recent years survey that due to tremendous indiscriminant use of poly-ethane bags, pollutions are occurring to a great extent. In the world, wastage is being observed but these are being recycled in a developed process, which are the consequences of better technology and scientific research. In order to remove such pollution, a better technology and strong recycling process are needed for which new bags are possible to be made. Besides this, we need to be careful about dealing wastage for which prospective and alternative measures are keenly emphasized in a systematic manner. We know that the plants and trees are vitally important in order to make our environments healthy and sophisticated to live peacefully in the world. On the other hand, due to lack of trees, adverse situations prevail in the atmospheric layer like increasing carbon dioxide and dust particles. If this type of gas is increased in the layer, our environment becomes barren and unsuitable for living. We use oxygen in our inhalation and give out carbon dioxide as a general flow of breathing function. Trees give us shadow and fruits for which our survival on earth becomes easy and comfortable. We need trees in order to make our environment free from pollution. Hence, it is widely recognized that due to enormous use of plants and trees, we are always facing the situations of health hazard and for which the government is careful to plant trees in place of the trees cut down. Since the plants and trees are being cut down to a great extent, the amount of lands have been reducing day by day for which the scarcity of cultivable lands are being observed tremendously. As a result of being extinct the forests, the number of animals, birds and other creature living in woodland are being reduced to a great extent. The main weapon to fight against extinction is self-awareness and consciousness. It has to come within everybody that we have to possess the feelings of responsibility and environmentalism, in order to build a better world -a world full of evergreen beauty and spirited animals and for these purpose, the following steps may be taken in due course.

·         Hunting and whaling should be absolutely prohibited
·         Deforestation needs to be counteracted
·         The use of ivory and furs needs to be declared as a punishable crime imposing an exemplary penalty in question.
·         National parks and nature reserves should be created
·         The natural habitats of endangered species should be preserved.

If these plans of actions are executed immediately, then it may be expected a positive result that a man can see the dawn of a new era in the history of the world, which will be even more attractive if we are interested to be intimated with one another by forsaking all sorts of enmity and quarrelsome activities from the social life. Hence Somerset Maugham says,

" It is difficult to pass over the razor's edge
But the wise say, the path to salvation is hard"

In view of the above, it is obvious that the problems which are increasing day by day needs to be sorted out first in order to have a better situation for our survival on earth and by doing so, we need to chalk out ways and means to remove all sorts of adverse factors readily creating confusion for solving the constraints beset with our social and cultural life. In order to save ourselves from smokes, we need to think alternative measures like giving up cigarettes and using other lubricants in place of petrol and diesel from which no smoke particles grow. In comparison to other western world, the numbers of chain smokers have been greatly reduced but in our country it has been increasing day by day. By utmost feelings and realization, we should dedicate ourselves for the cause of real peace and tranquility of life.

Ø Child labour:

 In this context, Child labour has been a great impediment for flourishing the prospects of building good citizen in our country. Due to the fact that due to poverty, the parents are compelled to send their children to work in order to maintain their family. There is no denying the fact that modern civilization has been flourishing day by day by constructing buildings, dams, and embankments and over bridges for various purposes. There is a good ground for every development works in the world for which the limitless efforts, men's hardihood and persistent feelings are involved significantly. Indeed, all sorts of educational institutions like schools, colleges, universities and every project and offices profiles have been constructed by enormous using sufficient bricks, trees and soils. Formerly, the world was full of forests and there were uneven soils like ragged mountains and hills. In course of time, the people felt needs to enter into the world of civilization. To speak the truth, they learnt the techniques of cultivating the land, making fire and fuel for preparing their foods and ultimately, they became conversant with the useful things very convenient to them by conquering the world of science and technologies. In this momentary world many uncommon talents came out and made the world astonished by miracle discoveries and inventions. The world is immensely beautified by her unbounded nature where the forests and the animals, hills and mountains have been flourished by the best ecosystem with relevant ecological balances with the factors of climate and weather. In the world, as the antidotes of medicine to cure diseases, the poisonous chemicals are being used up to manufacture the same. In this connection, it is important to mention that the dreadful diseases like cancer, coronary, blood cancer and aids etc., are no longer a problem or dreadful impediment to human beings. If we look around the world, we will find that the environment is being polluted every time from water pollution when mosquitoes lay eggs on standing water of the river, ponds and pools etc. When dirty and unused ingredients are thrown into water, the water is polluted tremendously. In Great Britain, the various chemicals are used in different large plants and projects; consequently, acid rains occur frequently.  Suffice it to say that various poisonous gases are being produced to a great extent by tremendous use of poisonous chemicals and burning bricks for which the world around us is being polluted to a large extent. In all these phenomena, child labour has been a great manpower to contribute to work extensively. We should save them by creating awareness in social life in question.

Ø The challenge for the future demography in Bangladesh:

The main challenge of population census taking in Bangladesh is the risks of under count i.e. missing persons or entire households from counting.  High density of population and the propensity of the people to live everywhere, in dwelling as well as non-dwelling structures of every description. The risk is relatively high in urban areas due to prevalence of slums and growing trend of floating or shelter less persons. As the country’s population grows the risk is also likely to intensify. The other risk relates to the problem of correct age enumeration of the people particularly children and women and arises from high illiteracy, almost universal digital preference and from the absence of a countrywide birth registration system. The resultant distribution of population by single age is highly distorted; graduation and age grouping are therefore essential for age profiling. Age Pyramid of Bangladesh, the main output of Population census is a highly approximate one. The third challenge is reduction of the lead-time in disseminating total census product i.e. national volumes and district reports to the users. In spite of use of OMR technology that has speeded up data capture time significantly since 1981 census; it still takes about 5 to 7 years to produce the complete set of census reports. As a result of the long lead-time census data become largely un-current and lose their value for users. The goal should be to complete final census product within one year of census taking. Beginning with the 1981census methodological improvements and technology based census infrastructure and the state-of-the-art equipments have been progressively deployed to minimize the risks, reduce production time and insure a quality census. Accurate and updated enumeration area maps are now the basis of census count that reduces the risk of undercount or overlaps. EA maps based on the most recent aerial photograph of the country are being developed to insure improve counts in urban areas in the coming census of 2001.OMR based schedule integrating housing and population count has simplified the main operation, ensuring quality enumeration. Also error free data processing along with substantial reduction in data processing time have been realized The likely use of OCR technology in the 2001 census will further improve the quality of Bangladesh census and cut down production lead time substantially Data dissemination in CD and other computer readable media will speed up data dissemination and insure wide spread use of census data. Applications of state-of- the - art technology in future census takings are likely to make Bangladesh census a highly cost effective public venture with considerable value to the nation and all users of census data. The recent population censuses of Bangladesh particularly since 1981 census onward are designed on the UN recommendations for population and housing censuses. The Bangladesh population census can be defined as the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analyzing, publishing and disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining to the total population of the country, at a specified time i.e. at midnight of the census night or the census reference date. Data are collected from all persons in the entire geographic territory of Bangladesh extending over all enclaves such as Angorpota and Dahagram, and all the coastal islands located within the territorial waters of the country. Bangladesh population census also includes a housing census or a census of all permanent and temporary living quarters situated within the territory of the country that are actually in use as places of abode and their census night occupants.

In view of the above, it is evident that the reforms in collecting revenue management is vitally important for which the nation would like to lead a healthy life. Any person belonging to a poor family has to pass his days through hard struggle. He surely wants to develop his condition. On the other hand, for being poor, he does not get opportunity to be educated properly. Consequently, he cannot have any respectable occupation. At last, finding no other alternatives, he commits crime as his profession. If we are able to reach our goal as expected, it is universal that glory of success must wait for us in future. But we must have to work arduously with sincere and honest attitudes and feelings for that golden opportunity. Otherwise our all hopes and aspirations will be nipped in the bud. No one cannot get salvation of ideal love and peace from God by following the path vices and misfortune. In this context, a few lines of poem composed by Robert Frost is worth mentioning:

" Two roads diverged in a wood
I took the one-less travelled by
That has made all the difference"


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