The usefulness of Internet in Modern World

The media means some scope of expression in the form of patterns or sequences on any affairs as a tentative flow of the world through their publications virtually. They are involved in evaluating the massive weakness of a country and furthermore, they act like the mirrors which reflect the news and views through their cosmopolitan outlook. In a country, there are lots of things which are unexplored but with the gallant role of a media, those things are disclosed and focused to the public and thus they play a vital role to strengthen the way of actual democracy.

 Bangladesh is a developing country and her wealth is limited but her demands are highly unlimited as such the media should disclose the undiscovered hidden resources like coal, gas and other mineral resources. The media like Television, Radio, Newspaper, Internets play a vital role in a country in the field of economics, trade and commerce, literature, science and technology, religion, sociology and other related affairs for development further. Internet for email is basically for mail transmission electronically among people. There are also mailboxes, mail servers and other features like those in traditional post office systems.  Only the difference is the simplicity and speed in the information transmission via computer and Internet. Internet for E-mail is a great achievement in the world of communication. It is a great achievement because it allows messages reach its recipients within a very short time. If anybody asks how much time it would take for a letter to reach Bangladesh from EU or USA, even the top officials of the Post department would not be able to answer. The fastest mail delivery system of the world, DHL takes a minimum of three days to deliver mail to a client. There are of course other communication devices like phone, fax, telex, but often those are too costly. Among all the media of information transmission, internet email is the best as it is the cheapest and also the fastest. Also it ensures privacy or confidentiality, as the message is stored in the mailbox of the recipient directly. The sender can be sure that the recipient will obtain the message, which is sometimes impossible to assume in case of Fax. Another great benefit of email is that a user can access his/her messages from any computer of the world that has Internet access, whenever he/she wants to check for e-mail. 

In view of the above it is evident that  Internet in modern world is being used in the field of education and commerce to a great extent. Through Internets, orders are being placed according to the Indents and thus export and import are being carried out. In view of the above, the role of media cannot be denied and hence the educationists are creating and providing materials in their respective Web pages and the people through out the world are receiving those news and views and thus the strategy for development of knowledge are being accelerated day by day.


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