The background concept of environment pollution

According to Commoneous, a renowned educationist," What comes from God is true and with the touch of human beings, it becomes untrue". Again, in this context, Keats says," The truth is beauty and beauty is truth ". Hence all the sources of beauties and the truth are this world. The world we live in is the most attractive place with striking landscapes and features, wild and domesticated animals, and a variety of odoriferous flowers, evergreen trees and the most wonderful creation of the Lord- the human beings. The world has been created for the human beings so that they would applause the Lord for his power and preserves these natural beauties with undiminished care. But ever since, the world began; man has been doing the opposite thing bit by bit. He has been making progress in science and industry; great deals of landscape and wild life are being abolished day by day. Over population in small areas has given birth to traffic jam and poverty, which destroys the people. Trees have been cut down to make way for construction of modern buildings. Waste disposal is discarded on land and water, which spread mosquitoes. Mosquitoes enter the household and sit on food and spray dirt on the food from the waste and many more harmful activities for which man has started to destroy the beauty of the world. In clearing forests to create fields for farming and constructing new houses, man destroys the native animals and takes away their sources of food. His domestic animals kill them or man haunts them for meat, ivory or furs. Consequentially, the numbers of those haunted animals are minimized and a few numbers of these animals' lives are at stake. The contaminations are common phenomena through out the world causing a great crisis against our healthy environment in question. Our environment is greatly being polluted every time due to air and water pollution. Air is mainly being polluted from smokes. When the bricks are burnt, unbounded smokes are created. The compositions of such smoke particles are nicotine, thiophin, Furan, phosgene, sulfur dioxide and pyridine. These particles pollute the air tremendously. The smokes are also created when different vehicles ply over along the streets. For these reasons, all the streets are filled with the smokes that adversely affect the human health conditions. Burning poisonous gases like sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, nitric acids and sulfuric acids, again create the smokes. These particles make the air heavy and polluted. 
Suffice it to say that in order to construct buildings, dams and embankments, lots of plants and trees are cut down and subsequently these are burnt for bricks for which air is polluted to a great extent. In the winter-based country, the plants and trees are being planted in the artificial manner by storing sun light under some restricted environment. The things, which are being done in the green house, are the increasing of carbon dioxide, which affects the environment adversely. We need to ensure the proper use of carbon dioxide by growing the plants and trees adequately without which congenital atmosphere for our survival on earth would not have been possible.
