Our Prophet's great achievement

There is no denying the fact that the great men who have dedicated through out their lives for the cause of salvation of humanity as well as for Muslims solidarity and who have tried their supreme effort to establish peace and principles of truth in the hereinafter, out of them Mohammad(SM) was the greatest and as per history of the world he had struggled for the truth universally recognized and bestowed by God upon human beings. He had been come down to this ephemeral world with a message of salvation of humanity who was enchained by evils, corruptions and anarchism. 
 God had sent him to the people of this earth as a clear direction of truth, divinity and justice. God had written Quaran as a complete code of all Muslim Ummah specifically for those who are down trodden, sufferer, victimized and poor. Michael Hart was a great author who has written a book named "The Hundred" which is bedded upon hundred most influential persons of the world since the creation of the earth. That is to say, the influential persons have come down to the ephemeral world with a definitive purpose to flourish light of education in respect of both spiritual and institutional on earth as a tentative flow. Out of the hundred personalities Mohammad(SM) has been placed on the top, as he was the most influential and spiritual leader through out the world at that time. After placing his name on the top, the Christians communities and the people of other religions were rent and rave the circulation of the book. Later Hart explicated that, since the creation of human beings, till date, Mohammad(SM) was the influential person in the sense that from the life of a shepherd, he had promoted his life to prophet hood by virtue of his spiritual power and utmost faith upon almighty Allah. He was such a shining star in Islamic World, which upheld the maxim of messages of the holy Quaran, which had been bestowing upon him. Hart also said that he was proud of placing this name on the top because he said that he had done the right thing by doing so. According to him, as a writer it was his duty to express the truth before those who are curious, ignorant and inquisitive to know the unknown. 
Mohammad (SM) was the greatest prophet of all time. He was born in a famous Quarieesh tribe. Before his birth, his father Abdullah had died and at the age of six, his mother died. Later, his uncle Abu Talib and his grand father Abu Motalib had brought up this orphan child. In the history of mankind, these two figures have been reflected in the Muslim world with supreme reverence and sanctity. Mohammad (SM) was the symbol of self-help and he spent most of his childhood by advising the people for being self-reliance based on full faith on Islam. His foster mother Halima had brother had brought up him from his very early days. She had observed very rare qualities in him and she, with a great heart began to bring him up with due solemnity and praise. His uncle, Abu Talib was a business and in relation to trade and commerce, he started for Syria. On his way he came across Buhaiya, a veteran demonstrator of Christian religion having talked with Mohammad(SM) he had been pleased and predicted that he had preserved every qualities of the prophet and he had been sent to this world as the blessings of this universe. While the sheep were grazing under his control as a shepherd boy, his heart had been rendered and washed under the miracle incident made by the angels as set forth by Almighty Allah. Afterwards, he had farmed as a promising man of God ‘Hilful- Fazal' The people at that time in the desert land in the dark Arabia had kept faith upon him in order to lead the youth in a peaceful manner. The object of such promise was to help mankind by way of religion and leading them to control. The social people loved him and got acquaintance of ‘Al-Amin' which means trustworthy. That is to say, the people of Mecca at that time had scarcity of faith among themselves, so they had developed faith with Mohammad having seen the activities of Mohammad based on spiritualistic behaviour linked with Allah directly, specifically when they kept their goods preserved to Mohammad, took it under his control and returned it at the response of them. Thus, the people of Mecca used to get acquaintance of great heart and thus a faith among them had been developed by degrees. At that time, the people of Mecca were filled with distrust, ignorance and they were involved in various prejudices and believed in a variety of gods and goddess, meaning that they used to worship idols. In the year 595, he took part in trading with Khadija and within a short span of time, she earned lots of profit in her business, she got the identity of a true heart like Mohammad(SM). She was a wealthy lady at that time and by way of achieving the identity of a great personality like Mohammad (SM), she proposed to him for marriage. He told her that he would marry her under one condition- she had to bestow her wealth and fortune for the sake of Islam on the promise to live like the poor, the way he himself lives . Khadeja, having heard such proposal agreed to such condition and they got married. At that time, his age was 25, and she was 40.
After their marriage, an epidemic had taken place in the country that time. 
 Mohammad(SM) had distributed all the resources he had possessed from Khadeja in order to remove the adversity of the people. At that time, the thought of sacrifice for the good of the people were intensified and he was influenced for devotion towards almighty Allah day by day. Apart from Mecca three miles away, in the cave of Hera, he was absorbed in deep meditation of almighty Allah. Such process of supplication continued for forty years. One day, during his meditation, the angel Jibrail (AM) came unto him and said," Oh! Mohammad, you are the rusul of Allah, you have been sent by Allah". And thereafter, a message of Allah came, " Read in the name of your lord, from this day onward, in the cave of Here, Mohammad (SM) used to receive messages from Allah through messenger, Jibrail(AM), he accurately the complete message of the holy Quran, with his unquestionable, the ultimate and the complete code of life. In order to convey the message of peace and solidarity, he had struggled through out his life. The non-Muslim troubled in many ways, they threw stones at him, spat at him, beat him and cursed him. He was tormented in various ways, he would tolerate all the misdeeds of the people, his sole message was," Those people who have unknowingly behaved with me in such a manner, I pray for them to Allah for salvation and forgiveness. The holy Quran has come down to this world with full codes, ethics and directions of Allah. Muhammad (SM) had achieved such messages from Allah directly and it is a recognizing phenomena that the holy Quaran is completely bedded on super human creation.
Suffice it to say that presently in contemporary age, the researchers with a multiplicity of educational and theological well being are recommending controversial theories about the Quaran and Islamic history, and are striving to reinterpret Islam for the modern world. This is, as one scholar puts it, a "susceptible commerce." All the way through the past century, the Baha'is of Iran has been maltreated. With the victory of the Islamic upheaval in 1979, this persecution has been standardizing. More than 200 Baha'is have been executed or killed, hundreds more have been imprisoned, and tens of thousands have been deprived of jobs, pensions, businesses, and educational opportunities. All national Baha'i administrative structures have been banned by the government, and holy places, shrines and cemeteries have been confiscated, vandalized, or destroyed.
While we here at the Free thought Mecca often poke fun at our membership in various Zionist and Freemason funded conspiracies, the existence of real victims of such accusations is no laughing matter. The Baha'is in Iran has taken the role of the Jews in medieval Christian Europe. They are persecuted for crimes they committed only in the imagination of religious fascists. The powers that be in many Islamic countries have expressed a deep hatred for the gentle Baha'is, and openly acknowledge the faith as a threat to the true deem. The persecution is not only in Iran, but all over West Asia and North Africa. n January of 1986, one Egyptian cleric remarked that "a Baha'i deserves the penalty of an apostate... one who should either be brought to repentance or killed."2 This is how the "tolerant" and "loving" scholars of Allah's true religion feel about those who put forth a more peace-loving version of their faith.
This deep animosity for the Baha'is is found on every level of the global ummah, from high-ranking clerics, to part-time cyber-mujahideen thugs who invade Baha'i newsgroups and chats. The fact that Muslims would show so much hatred for such a tolerant religion is one that leaves yet another black eye on the already besmirched record of the Islamic religion. Because of this, the Muslims often try justify their hatred for Baha'is by cooking up all sorts of insane conspiracy theories about them being Zionists, Free Masons, or a plot hatched by the Soviets. The first step was to follow in the footsteps of similar sorts of insane conspiracy theories launched at the Jews. Just as there is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion3, anti-Baha'i fascists cooked up the fictitious Memoirs of Count Dogorouki, a manuscript of Persian origin that claims a Russian diplomat confessed to creating the Baha'i faith as part of a plot to extend Russian imperialism. After the Russian revolution, interpretations of the Memoirs were changed to claim that the Baha'i faith was a Soviet/Marxist conspiracy. When Britain tried to colonize Iran, the claim that the Baha'is were "British agents" became quite popular4. Of course, after the creation of the state of Israel, the fact that the Baha'is had headquarters in Haifa helped corroborate the claim that they were "Zionists." Another tag that was later added was that of "Freemasons" (which is a wholly ambiguous term for the collective bogeyman from the Islamic standpoint, and has nothing to do with the realities of that Fraternal order).

The religion of Mohammad (SM) as envisaged in Al-Quran ensures an ideal life based on codes, ethics, regulation and rules truly applicable to all humans. Al Quaran is the complete code of life with which there is a sequential flow in between death and life. This eternity is a very temporary life but the transient growth of human lives one day will finish and thereafter another life will start and as such we are afraid of almighty whether our punishment will be more after eternal life. It is said that Man is unjust, God is just and finally justice triumph. Our prophet's life was not a bed of roses, rather it was based on bed of thorns. Through unlimited sorrows, he has spent his life and by utmost hard struggling, he has established and enriched his religion ‘Islam'. 
As has highlighted, it is evident that not only Bahai, but also many people of variety of communities through out the whole world misguide the lives of the muslins and as such, the muslins have struggled to establish the truth which is bestowed by God. All men are created equally but presently, the differentials and degradation against the Muslims have been created tremendously. We should forget any obstacles and rather we should embrace one another under the shadow of peace and prosperity of life. Prophet Mohammad(SM) has taught forgiveness, justice, equality, fraternity, peace and humanity of live. In this context, two lines of poem composed by Rudyard Kipling is worth mentioning:
‘Forgiveness free of evil done
And love to all men neath the sun'


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