Roosevelt’s Speech about freedom

On January 6th 1941, during World War 2, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt conveyed a remarkable speech to the US Congress. This speech is an unprecedented milestone in the history of democracy to establish equality and liberty to contribute the world in respect of politics, war, administration and technology as a leading strength in the globalizes modern world. I chose this speech, because, he focused some important directions in his speech indicating that America is the symbol of real democratic institution with which all chains of captivity can be possible to be broken. I have been impressed by going through his speech where the realism of free nation enjoying sound body and sound mind has been vividly contemplated. He disliked bitterness and conspiracy; rather he put forth the ideal strategy of freedom perpetually. I think Rudyard Kipling has really understood the perpetual meaning of free nation. ‘Forgiveness free of evil done And love to all men neath the sun. ’It is important in the sense that in this speech, he proclaimed that four freedoms are inevitable to a flourishing democracy. This milestones in the form of real democracy, for the people, by the people & of the people are freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of want and freedom of fear.

He emphasized to such milestones of freedom for the people in America which are being possible after the defeat of Hitler and the landslide victory of America. I have also been impressed when he says about the reality freedom and free nation. According to him a free nation has the right to expect full cooperation from all groups. A free nation has the right to look to the leaders of business, of labor, and of agriculture to take the lead in stimulating effort, not among other groups but within their own groups. He knew the real secret of democracy for which he contemplated that there is nothing mysterious about the foundations of a healthy and strong democracy. This speech is a milestone to practice democracy for those who are really sincere to establish the right of the social life of the community who have voting right to select a level of new era in respect of progress and prosperity to retaliate real life situation.


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