SWOT, a technique for integration of project management

SWOT, a technique for marketing strategic plan
Strength Weakness, Opportunity and Threat –SWOT analysis refers to the overall active forces of the management with which the setting of strategic plan is based whereas the marketing strategic plan of action envisages the target setting within the framework of the organization.
A SWOT Analysis examines the companies:
  • Strengths...Internal
  • Weaknesses...Internal
  • Opportunities’...External
  • Threats...External
By developing a SWOT analysis, a company can determine what its distinctive competencies are. This will help determine what the organization should be in business for, what its mission should be.

The following are example mission statements

Organizational goals are derived from the mission, corporate strategy is derived from the organizational goals.
Goals must specify the end results that are desired, that are measurable and within a particular time frame.
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Consistent
Issues include:
  • Scope of Business-----What Business you are in??
  • Resource deployment----How you are going to use your resources??
  • Competitive advantage----What are your competitive advantages??
  • Coordination of Production, Marketing, Personnel etc.----
  • Coordination process?
The following are some of the many tools that are used in developing corporate strategy, they are supplements not substitutes for management's own judgment:
A separate strategy is needed for each SBU
  • Intense Growth-mkt penetration/development, product development in related markets.
    • Market Penetration...more products to the same market
    • Market Development...same product to new markets
    • Product Development...new products to same market
  • Diversified Growth-new products new markets Horizontal (unrelated products to current markets)/Concentric (NPNM)
  • Integrated growth Forward/Backward/Horizontal Disney's Purchase of Capital Citys/ABC, a content provider purchasing distribution
Handout Mattel Toy....
Handout Ben & Jerry's New CEO...
What should B&J do?

Develop SWOT Analysis
Propose Mission
  • Market Penetration
  • Market Development
  • Product Development
  • Diversification

Ben & Jerry's SWOT Analysis
Marketing plans vary by:
  • Duration
  • Scope
  • Method of Development, bottom up/top down
Objective is to create a Marketing plan. A plan for each marketing strategy developed.
Marketing strategy encompasses selecting and analysing the target market(s) and creating and maintaining an appropriate marketing mix that satisfies the target market and company. A Marketing strategy articulates a plan for the best use of the organizations resources and tactics to meet its objectives. Do not pursue projects that are outside the companies objectives or that stretch the companies resources.
Plan includes:
  • Executive summary
  • Situation Analysis
  • Opportunity and Threat Analysis
  • Environmental Analysis
  • Company Resources
  • Marketing Objectives
  • Marketing Strategies to include:
    • Target market (Intended) A target market is group of persons/companies for whom a firm creates and maintains a Marketing Mix that specifically fits the needs and preferences of that group. Does the company have the resources to create the appropriate MM and does it meet the company's objectives.
    • Develop a marketing mix-how to reach the target market. The marketing mix is designed around the buying motive-emphasizing the marketing concept. The marketing environment effects the marketing mix, which is only controllable to a certain extent (the MM). Before developing the MM, need to determine the needs of the target market.
  • Financial Projections
  • Controls and Evaluations

Marketing control process consists of establishing performance standards, evaluating the actual performance by comparing it with the actual standards, and reducing the difference between the desired and actual performance.
Marketing does not occur in a vacuum. The marketing environment consists of external forces that directly and/or indirectly impact the organization.
Changes in the environment create opportunities and threats for the organizations.
PRODIGY (On-line service) ran a commercial 24 hours after the LA earth quake to inform customers/potential customers that they could contact friends/family in LA through its service when all the telephone lines were jammed. This illustrates a company (Prodigy),
reactively responding to an environmental factor (nature), to further market its services to attract new customers.
To track these external forces a company uses environmental scanning. Continual monitoring of what is going on.
Environmental scanning collects information about external forces. It is conducted through the Marketing Information System.
Environmental analysis determines environmental changes and predicts future changes in the environment. The marketing manager should be able to determine possible threats and opportunities from the changing environment. This will help avoid crisis management.
Six Environmental Forces
Pressure to create laws
Since marketing activities are a vital part of the total business structure, marketers have a responsibility to help provide what members of society want and to minimize what they don't want.
Important Considerations:
  • Marketers need to understand Cultural diversity--By the year 2000 15% of the entering work-force will be white male.
  • Great Melting Pot vs. Great Salad Bowl...different cultures maintain own cultural identity.
  • Aging population
Catering to middle aged BBs....
Change products due to changing needs of society, i.e. Baby Boomers are aging, they demand different attributes/benefits from their products (cars), i.e. performance and safety, marketers need to respond, as the car marketers have, to satisfy these changing needs.
  • Society becomes concerned about marketers actions when those actions are questionable.
Calvin Klein's latest advertising campaign, American Family Association sent letters to 50 retailers suggesting store boycotts if there was no action taken....FBI investigating child porn allegations.
Driving force behind the societal marketing concept. Companies change ways of doing business re: societal concerns. Companies should evolve around societal concerns. The Green Movement Sows Demand where Companies now marketing products that are in response to societal concerns, i.e. recycled furniture is environmentally friendly. Ralph Nader's Public Citizen group, acts as a watchdog on consumer interests. Lifted consumerism into a major social force. First with his successful attack on the automobile industry, resulted in the passage of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle and Safety Act of 1962.

In view of the above it is clear that SWOT analysis is a management tool with which a marketer sets the goal about the product, customers, market and marketing research tools. A management  knows how to lead the management towards profit making and product orientation virtually. It leads the management for creating alertness about the quality and target planning with which the organization should be developed in a significant manner.


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