While the content of your document is primary, an attractive looking document makes for much easier reading. Being able to focus the reader’s attention on important points or issues by adding visual emphasis to particular sections of text can increase the impact of your document significantly.  Word provides you with the tools to enhance the visual appeal of your document by changing the way your text looks. One way to do this is to apply character formats. Character formatting which, enhances the appearance of text includes, Font Typeface defined as a group of characters sharing similar type attributes. Font Size refers to the height of printed text on a page; the higher the number, the larger the font size. Font Stylerefers to type enhancements such as bold and italic and underlining.

Times New Roman
Times  New Roman 8
Times  New Roman 12
Times New Roman 18
Bold type style
Italic type style
UNDERLINESingle underline
Word only underline

Word character formats
Other character attributes accessible in the Font dialog box, includesuperscript and subscript which you might use for example, in scientific documents and font animation to create moving text and add colorful, moving borders to text.


While the content of your document is primary, an attractive looking document makes for much easier reading. Being able to focus the reader’s attention on important points or issues by adding visual emphasis to particular sections of text can increase the impact of your document significantly.
Word allows you to enhance the visual appeal of your document by applying character formats to change the way your text looks.Character formatting which, enhances the appearance of textincludes,

Font Typeface defined as a group of characters sharing similar type attributes.

Font Size refers to the height of printed text on a page; the higher the number, the larger the font size.

Font Style refers to type enhancements such as bold and italic and underlining.

Word character formats
Other character attributes are accessible in the Font dialog box, on the Format menu. You have superscript and subscript which you might use for example, in scientific documents and font animationto create moving text and add colorful, moving borders to text.
Selecting and Changing Fonts
Varying the font within a document improves the readability of the text and emphasizes key points. You can view the many font typefaces Word provides you with in the Font list on the Formattingtoolbar.
You can select a font prior to typing. Then, any text you type appears in the selected font until you select a new font.

  • You can change the font or any text using the Font list on theFormatting toolbar.
  • You can also change fonts using the Font page of the Font dialog box.
The most recently used fonts appear in a list at the top of the Fontlist.

Changing an existing font


  1. Select the text for which you want to change the font.
  2. Select the Font list on the Formatting toolbar.
  3. Select the desired font name.

Notes :

When selecting a font for a document, you should choose a font consistent with the purpose of the document. For example, a thick, bold font may be appropriate for the heading of an office memo but not for a personal letter.

You can also mix fonts within a single document. For example, if your document has headings and text in paragraphs beneath each heading, you can select one font for the headings and another for the paragraphs.

Modifying the Font Size

You can vary font size within your document to emphasize key sections. Font size is measured in points. One point is approximately 1/72 of an inch. The larger the font size, the larger the type. Therefore, a word with a 36 point font size is approximately one-half inch in height.

You can select a font size prior to typing text. As you type, you can mix font sizes.

  • You can modify font size from the Font size list on the Formattingtoolbar.

  • You can also modify the font size using the Font page of the Font dialog box.


  1. Select the text for which you want to modify the font size.
  2. Select the Font Size list on the Formatting toolbar.
  3. Select the desired font size.
Notes :

Generally speaking, larger font sizes are used for headlines and headings, and smaller font sizes are used for body text. For example, if you are creating a newsletter, you can use a 22 point font for the headings and a 12 point font for the text.

Changing Font Appearance (Font Format)

You can change the character formats of existing text, either to add emphasis or to enhance the appearance of the text. The most commonly used character formats are bold and italic.

Bold Formatting is used to call attention to text within a document, especially in headings.

Italic Formatting also calls attention to text, but not as much as bold formatting. Italicized text slants to the right and is often used to emphasize a word within normal text.

  • You can easily apply bold formatting to text by using the Boldbutton on the formatting toolbar.
  1. Select the text for which you want to change the font format.
  2. Click the Bold button .
  • You can easily apply italic formatting to text by using the Italicbutton on the formatting toolbar.


1.   Select the text for which you want to change the font format.
2.   Click the Italic button .


You can change the character formats as you type text. You can mix these character formats in any combination within the same document but, to get the maximum effect of any formatting, it is best to use it sparingly.
You can also change the character formats of text using the Fontpage of the Font dialog box. You can tell which character formats have been applied to specific text by positioning the insertion point in the text. For example, if bold formatting has been applied to the current text, the Bold button is highlighted when you position the insertion point in the text. If you no longer want a character format applied to text, you can remove the formatting. Changing the font format of existing textThe Bold and Italic buttons are toggles. If you select text that contains one of these formats and click the Bold orItalic button, the format is removed.To bold or italicize a single word, you do not have to select the whole word; just position the insertion point within the word.
                        Underlining Text
You can underline text to draw the reader’s attention to it. There are several underline types from which you can choose to underscore text.
  • To place a single line under text, you can use the Underlinebutton on the Formatting toolbar.
  • To apply a different underline type, you can choose from several others listed on the Font page of the Font dialog box.
To underline a single word, you do not have to select the whole word; just position the insertion point within the word.
The Underline button is a toggle. If you select text that contains underlining and click the Underline button the underlining is removed.
Some commonly used underline types include Words only, which places a single underline under the words but not the spaces in a document; Double, which places a double underline under all text and spaces in a document; and Thick, which places a thick underline beneath all text and spaces in a document.
You can preview each of these underline types on the Font page of the Font dialog box before actually applying them.
  1. Select the text you want to underline.
  2. Select the Format menu.
  3. Select the Font command.
  4. Select the Underline list.
  5. Select the underline option you want to apply.
  6. Select OK.
Using Font Effects
There are several font effects from which you can choose to enhance text or to use in special situations. Some of these effects include Strikethrough, which places a single horizontal line through text; and Superscript and Subscript, which raise selected text above or below the current line and changes the text to a smaller font size. These two effects are often used in scientific writing.

Additional effects are Outline which, displays the inner and outer borders of each character in a document. The Small caps effect formats selected lowercase text as small capital letters. The Small caps effect, however, does not affect numbers, punctuation, or uppercase letters. The Hidden effect prevents selected text from being displayed or printed.

You can preview each of these font effects on the Font page of the Font dialog box before actually applying them.

In addition, you can make text stand out in a document using Word animations. Examples of animations from which you can choose include Blinking Background, which flashes a black background behind text; Las Vegas Lights, which flashes tiny, different color shapes around text; and Marching Black Ants, which creates a clockwise movement of dashed lines around text. You can apply only one animation at a time.

You can mix animations within a document, though to be most effective they should be used sparingly.

You can preview each animation type on the Animation page of the Font dialog box before actually applying them.

Animated effects do not print, although the text to which they are applied does print.

Copying Character Formats
You can use the Format Painter button on the Standard toolbar to copy the character format of specific text and apply it to other text. This feature saves time when multiple formats have been applied to the text and you want to format other text with all the same formats.
When the Format Painter is active, the mouse pointer becomes an I-beam with a paintbrush to its left.
  • To copy the selected formatting to multiple locations, double-click the Format Painter button to enable it. Then, click it again when you have finished formatting text to disable it.

  1. Select the text containing the formats you want to copy.
  2. Click the Format Painter button .
  3. Select the text you want to format.

Changing Character Case
  • Word can quickly change text case in a document using the Change Case dialog box. For example, you can change a lowercase sentence to uppercase.


  1. Select the text for which you want to change the case.
  2. Select the Format menu.
  3. Select the Change Case command.
  4. Select the desired case option.
  5. Select OK.
Notes :

You can also toggle from uppercase to lowercase letters in selected text. Toggling the case of selected text can save time if you have inadvertently typed text with the Caps Lock feature enabled.
In addition to the lowercase and UPPERCASE options, the Change Case dialog box includes a number of other change case options. TheSentence case option capitalizes the first letter in each selected sentence. The Title Case option capitalizes the first letter in each word. The TOGGLE CASE option reverses the case for each letter.

Paragraph formatting allows you to enhance the visual appeal of your document. It refers to the layout of the paragraph on the page and involves alignment, spacing, and indentation options

Alignment refers to the relative location of text to the margins.

Spacing refers to the distance between lines above, below, or within a paragraph.

This paragraph is aligned with the left margin.
This paragraph is aligned with the right margin.
This paragraph is centered between the margins.
Every line of a justified paragraph, except the last line, is aligned with both the left and right margins.
Paragraph spacing refers to space above or below the paragraph. Line spacing refers to the spacing between each line of the paragraph.

Word paragraph formats

Aligning Paragraphs

Paragraph text can be aligned to the Left margin,the Right margin,or be Centered or Justified between right and left margins.

  • You can use the four alignment buttons, Align LeftCenterAlign Right, and Justify on the Formatting toolbar to align paragraph text.


  1. Position the insertion point in a single paragraph you want to align or select multiple paragraphs.
  2. Click the desired alignment button on the Formatting toolbar.
Notes :

  • Align Left  aligns text to the left margin producing a ragged right margin
  • Center centers text between the left and the right margins.
  • Align Right aligns text to the right margin producing a ragged left margin.
  • Justify aligns text to both the left and right margins so that neither margin is ragged.
When a paragraph is justified, Word adds extra space between words to justify the text.

Modifying Paragraph Spacing

Paragraph spacing refers to the space above and below a paragraph.

  • You can adjust paragraph spacing on the Indents and Spacingpage of the Paragraph dialog box.


  1. Position the insertion point in the paragraph for which you want to change the spacing.

  1. Select the Format menu.

  1. Select the Paragraph command.

  1. Select the Indents and Spacing tab.
  2. Under Spacing, enter the desired spacing above the paragraph in the Before spin box.

  1. Under Spacing, enter the desired spacing below the paragraph in the After spin box.

  1. Select OK.

Notes :

You can vary paragraph spacing based upon your individual needs.
Any changes you make are previewed in the Paragraph dialog box.

Modifying Line Spacing
Line spacing refers to the distance between every line in a paragraph.

  • You can adjust the line spacing in a paragraph on the Indents and Spacing page of the Paragraph dialog box.
Line spacing options from which you can choose include: Single1.5 linesDoubleAt leastExactly, and Multiple. You enter a specific point size when you select At least or Exactly, or enter a percentage when you select Multiple.


  1. Position the insertion point in the paragraph for which you want to change the line spacing.
  2. Select the Format menu.
  3. Select the Paragraph command.
  4. Select the Indents and Spacing tab.
  5. Select the Line spacing list.
  6. Select the desired line spacing.
  7. Select OK.
Creating a Left Indent

Indenting a paragraph refers to moving it away from the left, the right, or both margins.

  • You can use the Increase Indent button on the Formattingtoolbar to indent a paragraph away from the left margin to the right in half-inch increments.

Creating a left indent
  1. Position the insertion point in the paragraph you want to indent.
  2. Click the Increase Indent button .

Notes :

This feature has many uses, including calling attention to text and other sections in a document.

You can click the Decrease Indent button on the Formatting toolbar to decrease a paragraph indent in half-inch increments.
You can use options available in the Paragraph dialog box to select a different increment or a different type of indentation.

Indenting the First Line

Different types of left indents are available for paragraphs.

The first line of paragraphs in many letters and documents is often indented from the left to improve readability.

  • It is easy to create a first line indent using the horizontal ruler.

The indent marker on the left of the horizontal ruler is actually composed of two indent markers and a box. The top triangle is the First Line Indent marker and the bottom triangle is the Hanging Indent marker
Indent Marker
Indents only the first line of the selected paragraph from the left margin.
Indents all lines of a paragraph other than the first line from the left margin.
Moves both the first-line indent marker and the left indent marker simultaneously.

  1. Select the paragraphs you want to indent.
  2. Drag the first-line indent marker to the desired position on the horizontal ruler.
  3. Release the mouse button.
Notes :
The First Line Indent marker and the Hanging Indent marker move independently of each other. However, you can drag the Left Indent marker (the box) to move the First Line Indent and Hanging Indent markers simultaneously.

Creating a Hanging Indent
You can indent all lines of a paragraph without the first line. This type of indent is known as a hanging indent. A hanging indent is often used for lists or bibliographic references.
  1. Select the paragraphs you want to indent.
  2. Drag the hanging indent marker to the desired position on the horizontal ruler.
  3. Release the mouse button.

Creating a Right Indent

You can indent a paragraph from the right margin. You may want to do this, for example, to make a paragraph stand out on a page.
  • You can indent selected text from the right margin by dragging the right margin marker which appears alone at the right end of the horizontal ruler.


  1. Select the paragraphs you want to indent.
  2. Drag the right indent marker to the desired position on the horizontal ruler.
  3. Release the mouse button.

Copying Paragraph Formats

With the Format Painter, you can copy the paragraph formatting of specific text and apply it to one or more other paragraphs. This feature saves time when the formatted paragraph you copy contains multiple formatting codes.

  • To copy the selected formatting to multiple locations, double-click the Format Painter button to enable it. Then, click it again when you have finished formatting paragraphs to disable it.


  1. Positions the insertion point in the paragraph containing the formatting you want to copy.
  2. Click the Format Painter button .
  3. Click in the paragraph you want to format.

Applying a Paragraph Style

Styles make it simple to format text and paragraphs consistently. You can add styles as you type, or you can add styles to existing text and paragraphs. A style is composed of various character andparagraph formats and is saved with a style name.

A style can be one of two types, character or paragraph. A character style is applied to specific text, while a paragraph style is applied to an entire paragraph. However, paragraph styles can contain character formatting.

The style applied to the current text or paragraph appears in theStyle list at the far left of the Formattingtoolbar.

  1. Position the insertion point in the paragraph to which you want to apply a style.
  2. Select the Style list on the Formatting toolbar.
  3. Select the desired style name.
Applying the Body style

Notes :

Word comes with several built-in styles. The most commonly used style is Normal. For example, you can use the Normal style for the body of a letter.
Other default styles include Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3Body, and Default Paragraph Font. You can create your own styles as well.
Although some styles include the word Heading in them and are designed for the headings in a document, you can use them for other situations as well.

Creating a Style

If an existing style does not meet your specific needs, you can create a new style. The most expedient way to create a new style is to base the new style on an existing style and modifying that style.

  • To add a style to the Normal template, open the document containing the desired style and select the Style command from the Format menu. Select the name of the desired style, selectModify, and select the Add to template option.

  • You can also use the Modify Style dialog box to edit a style. When you edit a style, you can change formatting items such as font attributes, paragraph settings, tabs, and borders.

  1. Select the text containing the desired formatting for the new style.
  2. Select the Style list on the Formatting toolbar.
  3. Type the name for the new style.
  4. Press [Enter].

When you create a new style using one of the existing styles in theStyle box on the Formatting toolbar, it is associated only with the current document. You can then use the Modify Style dialog box to add it to the current template, if desired.
When a style is added to the template, that style is available for all new and existing documents based on that template. If desired, you can assign shortcut key to select the style.

Bullets and Numbers

Creating a Numbered List


There may be times when you need to number a list or sequential items. For example, you may want to number specific steps on a list or add letters to an outline detailing the hierarchy of a corporation.

  • You can easily create a numbered list using the automatic numbering feature.

To do this, you type a 1 or an A and then a ( . ), ( – )or  ) followed by aspace, or two spaces without any punctuation, and then text. Word assumes you want to sequentially list the items. Thereafter, each time you press [Enter], the next applicable number or letter in the sequence appears.

To create a numbered list you can also, use the Numbered andOutline Numbered pages in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box from the Format menu
You can disable numbering by pressing the [Enter] key to start a new line and then clicking the Numbering button or pressing the [Enter] key again or the [Backspace] key.

You can select from additional number styles in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, as well as customize a number style. Just as when you use automatic numbering, the next applicable number or letter appears each time you press the [Enter] key.


  1. Position the insertion point where you want to begin the numbered list.
  2. Type the desired number or letter to begin the list.
  3. Add the desired spacing or punctuation.
  4. Type the desired text for the first item on the list.
  5. Press [Enter].

Adding Numbers to Text


Word can generate a numbered list from existing text. This feature is a great timesaver. For example, you may decide that a previously created, unnumbered list would appear better as a numbered list.

When you use the Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar, Word numbers each paragraph of the selected text sequentially, beginning with the number 1.

  1. Select the text to which you want to add numbers.
  2. Click the Numbering button .

Removing Numbers from Text
If you decide that numbers are no longer appropriate, you can remove them from the text.
  • You can use the Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar to remove numbers from a list.


  1. Select the list from which you want to remove the numbers.
  2. Click the Numbering button .
Adding or Deleting a Numbered Item
  • If an item in a numbered list is added or deleted, Word automatically renumbers the subsequent items as needed.

 It is often helpful to display the nonprinting characters to assist you in this task.

  • In addition, Word automatically renumbers a list when items are moved, added or deleted.
  1. Position the insertion point at the end of the item after which you want to add a new item.
  2. Press [Enter].
  1. Click in the selection bar to the left of the item you want to delete.
  2. Press [Delete].

Creating a Bulleted List

When you want to emphasize items in a list in no particular order, you can use a bulleted list.

  • The easiest way to create a bulleted list is to use the automatic bulleting feature.
Whenever you type an asterisk (*) followed by a space and text, Word assumes you want to create a bulleted list. Thereafter, each time you press the [Enter] key, a bullet appears on the next line.
  • You can also use the Bulleted page of the Bullets and Numberingcommand from the Format menu to create a bulleted list.
  • In the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, you can select from additional bullet styles, as well as customize bullet styles. Just as when you use automatic bulleting, a bulleted line appears automatically each time you press the [Enter] key.

You can disable bullets by pressing [Enter] and clicking the Bulletsbutton or pressing [Enter] again or the [Backspace] key.
  1. Position the insertion point where you want to begin the bulleted list.
  2. Type an asterisk (*).
  3. Press [Spacebar].
  4. Type the desired text for the first bullet in the list.
  5. Press [Enter].

Adding and Removing Bullets to and from Text
Word can generate a bulleted list from existing text.
  • When you use the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar, Word adds a bullet to each paragraph of the selected text.

This feature is a great time-saver. For example, you may decide that a previously created undulated list would appear better as a bulleted list.

Adding bullets to text

  1. Select the text to which you want to add bullets.
  2. Click the Bullets button .
Removing Bullets from Text

  • If you decide that bullets are no longer appropriate, you can remove them from the text. You can use the Bullets button on theFormatting toolbar to remove bullets from selected text.

  1. Select the list from which you want to remove the bullets.
  2. Click the Bullets button .

Changing Bullets and Numbers
  • You can change bullet and number styles using options available in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.
  • You can also mix different bullet and number styles within the same document, if desired.


  1. Select the Format menu.
  2. Select the Bullets and Numbering command.
  3. Select the desired tab.
  4. Select the desired style.
  5. Select OK.
In view of the above it is evident that Microsoft word plays a vital role in the field of communication with outside world. Without it, electronic and computerized world is possible to be explored and as such, we are much developed in the technological changes for progress and prosperity. Word is a key factor to create a vast sea of letter which are the combination to express our language in wide ranging in modern globalized world.
