The Way, The Physical War May Be Stopped

Cold war is a war of no battlefields. The heads of the states never follow the policy of war. A Cold war is not a physical war rather it is a challenge to find out the possible solutions in consultation with other leaders within the country or outside the country before war. ‘Cold War' means such type of silent war where circumstantial evidence influences one country towards war by way of prolonged discussion against possible evil forces.

 In diminishing war, the heads of the states become anxious to resolve the crisis in order to depict capacity and strength among other nations of the state. In ruling over a country, one becomes sufferer in respect of economic crisis, administrative blockades and lack of financial problems, the head of the states absorb in deep thought to bring out a solution to resolve the problem. In that hypercritical state of affairs of a nation, a cold war predominates in course of time. According to John Rid, Cold war is not a civil war which takes place in a country due to variation of opinions among different classes of people. Such war sometimes pushes a nation towards a war where many other nations come in contact with the supports and cooperation to streamline their actions and reactions. Americans have faced many cold wars in different critical point of confliction with other nations. Sometimes some nations step forward to display their power of modern weapons with different technology and techniques to resolve the dilemma in relevant fields.

In cold wars, some other advantageously oriented critics and movements are of externalize to the nation and as such, before a absolute war, chalking out plans in wide ranging field is vitally significant where seeking advice from the generals, brainstorming resolutions among other relevant states and their country cannot be ignored. The strategically brainstorming reaction among top political leaders inside and outside the country to conclude the decision where a complete war is essential or not is magnificent resolution of cold war. The cold war surrounds many other factors relevant to consider weapons, techniques and methods of application of appliances. The signatories to strengthen the stamina of the state are vitally significant and henceforth Cold war occurs; not only that, how far the war is justifiable is also considered in cold war. A country can achieve her target in respect of warfare cost bedded on the verdict of the people. Such brainstorming work may be considered as a doorway of a war but not exactly in the middle of battle field. The logical aspects exists among the people which come from the mental reaction among the top political leader and the countrymen of a state. From time immemorial, the super power states like French, USA, Russia, Germany, China and Japan have suffered from cold war plagues. By unremitting negotiations and brain storming, the country takes decision about a complete war. In major cases, cold war on no account influences a nation for war. A cold war is not a civil war in a state – not a door way to a complete war in the battle field but stops the evil forces for creating chaos, confusion and agitation; this is a cold war which stops the barricades of misunderstanding and administrative lock-up as a tentative flow. In reflecting per-cold war atmospheres among nations, the conflicts as delineated in the mind of President F. Kennedy, he sought suggestions from his advisors who were well conversant about warfare whether he would be involved in war or otherwise he would find out ways and means to resolve the wide-ranging problems of missiles with Cuba and Russia. Having received separate corrigible from his advisers, he did not emphasize to involve his country in war. Cold war confections cannot be treated as the casualties of the people who are seekers of peace, prosperity and self-reliance

It is universal that many countries have regained their efficient power system over the small states due to cold war. Roosevelt believed that Cold war stops a war wide-ranging for destruction of wealth and manpower. In many cases he had faced unlimited challenges with Cuba, Russia, Vietnam, French and some parts of Europe. Notwithstanding instructions issued to him by his fellow advisors among forces battalion, he had never adopted the policy of war. In this case, it is said that ‘The Cold War was a war of no 'battlefields'. Cold war is essential on arriving a conclusion based on brainstorming and critical analysis regarding war so that a complete war can be avoided. A war is nothing but a barricade against peace and prosperity of a nation but cold war is a logical aspect based on a variety of hypothesis, analysis as well as formulation of plans and strategies to stop a complete war in question.
