Our victory day

There is no denying the fact that by our active movement, it is documented as International Mother language Day on 21st February in every year through out the whole world and it is consecrated by swaging flowers and holding the memories in the highest regard to those language martyrs who had laid down their lives for the cause of launching the dignity of our survival as a nation uprising our heads like other nations virtually. The 21st February is a red-letter day in the history of our mother tongue. It is a very significant day in view of good verdict that we have been able to pioneer our mother tongue as our state language. It is our glory and inspiration that we have accomplished freedom from the movement of this day. We think that we could not achieve our freedom if 21st February was not emergent in 1952. Due to the movement of this day, we have shown our agitation against the rulers of the then Pakistan. To speak the truth, the 21st February, as a symbol of blaze illumination is our rectitude for which our survival as Bengali nation has been reproduced through out the whole world. As compared to socioeconomic condition of the erstwhile Pakistan, the recent economic profile so far data have been collected in due course has been enumerated as follows:

Time is soaring but knack is wan away all
When humans are run by forlorn and fall;
Parallel to shadowy, privation and curse
Jostled for violence, commotion and hush.
Not even a solo rest delicately set to the fore
To bestow modesty and valor allied in score.
For kindling love, sanctity and vigor of mind
And high whack for mores and legacy declined.
Along despondent moved by home and hearth
Through hunting to seizing and morale to dearth
For clear exhorting and trailing of funds
Nix issue of morals, even care and trust
Time is art but flare if it is ranging glow
Apropos thoroughness to gently blow
The destiny of search amid of golden age
Where the crooks move along entourage
Like symbolizing honour, the flags of red and green
To blow our soil to harmonize sanctity and discipline
To cross the tavern to move with beauties of truth
For peace and happiness by everlasting its growth
