The concept of Integration in relation to basic strategy of cooperation among regions

There is no denying the fact that it seems too intricate to define the concept of integration in relation to basic strategy of cooperation among regions. Ernst Haas articulated integration as a predisposition towards the voluntary creation of generously proportioned political units, each of which self-consciously disdain the use of force in the relations between the participating units and groups. According to Lindberg, a distinguished personality on social reforms  defines integration as the process whereby states forego the desire and ability to conduct foreign and key domestic policies independently of each other, seeking instead to make joint decisions or to delegate the decision making process to new central organs. He also defines integration as the process whereby political actors in several distinct settings are persuaded to shift their expectations and political activities to a new centre. Lindberg gave this definition in his work on the European Community. But he tried to give a comprehensive definition about regional integration processes. This definition reveals that in integration, shifting of some responsibility to regional bodies and greater communication among the members is necessary.

Regional Integration
Regional integration means the assignment of responsibility for formulating regional policies, developing rules and regulations, and for applying these policies to all markets at a regional level, superseding national control. Integration thus requires members of a grouping to cede sovereignty over particular economic functions and activities as well as policies and instruments to an authority or institution which exercises its power at a regional level.  Integration thus means formulating and applying policies- for example, regarding  trade, exchange, labour, fiscal and monetary policies- at the regional level. Integration may also imply the development of a common currency and a single central bank or monetary authority which regulates the monetary and indirectly the fiscal parameters within which national governments function. When fully accomplished, integration implies the free movement of all factors of production and technology across borders within the region. In its ultimate form of political union, it would require a regional legislature.

Approaches to Integration  
There are different schools of thought regarding the methods and approaches to integration. The Federalist school of thought sees integration in legal and institutional terms. For federalists integration is an end-product rather than a process. It stands for a political union among previously sovereign and independent states. Federalists recommend the adoption of their approach on both a regional and a global scale. They consider the anarchic nation-state system to be primarily responsible for war. They feel that, with a reasonable amount of discussion and education, enough people will be convinced that a rational plan for the regulation and governance of humankind should be adopted.

From the above view point, it is clear that without integration in between the region, nothing cooperation in the field of economics, commerce, finance, sports, international relationship and overall development strategy cannot be established. Hence, regional settlement in respect of variation in size of population, nationality, religion, belief and other cooperation strategy need to be diminished as a tentative flow. As a result, a pure business linkage bedded on unity, faith and discipline should be established in the field of business as regards import and export should be established in a systematic manner.


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