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Shakespeare in world literature

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‘A man who has held his head high in such deep-seated manner had had the recognition of the world as a harbinger of highest human prestige in world literature’ was the remarkable statement applicable to William Shakespeare. He conquered the heart of common people who understood the value of life and the nature and even though, he has led his pens through the mainstreams of social as well as human problems. William Shakespeare was not only the name of a play writer but also, he was a versatile genius in the sky of English literature who led his pen through out the intensive problems of human beings irrespective of castes and creed and even with his gallant touch, the common phenomena of human societies have been reflected in a systematic manner.

In his literary creation, Julius Caesar, the consequence of jealousness created on overambitious has been vividly contemplated. In Act 1 Scene 1, the victory of Julius Caesar over Pompey’s son has been highlighted where the working people of Rome have a day off to celebrate. Flavious and Marlius, two Roman officers have shown agitation against Caesar and according to them, Caesar has been a great threat by his unusual work and hardihood to Rome’s Republican rule. In Act 1, scene 2, with a full entourage, Caesar has protested march through the streets of Rome where he has just arrived before the races that are a part of the celebration of the feast of Lupercal. From out of the Crowd, a soothsayer warned Caesar to suffer the severe results of such marching. But Brutas and his followers have observed such marching with high criticism. According to them, Caesar needs to be eliminated from the throne of Rome. As per act 1, scene 3, one conspirator Casca plans to continue attempts to murder Caesar for which the Romans would live peacefully. And in this way, up to Act5 scene 5, the conspiracy of Brutas and his follower have been reflected as a tentative flow. Caesar wanted to build his country in a significant manner but some miscreants who would believe in fables has continued efforts to discard Caesar. Caesar has ruled over his country and he had made lots of reforms in a different sector.  When he sees that the battle is lost, Brutas runs upon his own sword rather than he captured. Antony gives a moving eulogy over his body declaring him “ the noblest Roman of them all.” In gesture of good will, Octovious  agrees to pardon all of Brutas’ men and take them into his service. The civil war ends with an omen for peace and tranquility for the future.

As he has entered in English literature as a Play Writer but he has thought about the poetic diction in the world which speaks about nature, love and the superiority of natural aspects virtually. In his flow of writing, he has included all sorts of literary contents very tactfully and used his dialect in the creation of world literature for which he had achieved the highest honor as the greatest author and dramatist.

