
Showing posts from April, 2017

Hooks Law and its application

Hooke's Law Hooke's Law states that, for certain elastic materials, force is proportional to extension, when a sample is stretched. This means that the extension of the sample increases linearly with the amount of force applied. Materials that obey Hooke's law are called Hookean Materials. Springs behave like Hookean Materials.Hooke's law can be written as  F = kx , where  F  is Force,  x  is extension, and k  is the Stiffness Constant of the sample. The stiffness constant describes the stiffness of a material, and is measured in Nm -1  (or Kgs -2 ). F = kx Hooke's law can be demonstrated with the use of Force-Extension graphs. However, no sample follows Hooke's law indefinitely, and there comes a point, called the Limit of Proportionality, where there is no longer a linear relationship between force and extension. After yet more force is applied, the Elastic Limit will be reached. This means that the sample will no longer return to its o

Electricity and its applications in real life situation T

T here is no denying the fact that Electricity  is the flow of electric charge. We can describe the flow of electric charge in several ways. These include the quantities Current, Voltage and Power and as such Current (I) is the rate of flow of Charge Carriers,  such as electrons . Current is usually thought of as moving in the direction of positive charge, so from the positive power supply to the negative. However, since in metals it is electrons that carry electric charge, the actually flow is opposite to the way in which we think of it Current, Voltage and Power: Electricity  is the  flow of electric charge . We can describe the flow of electric charge in several ways. These include the quantities  Current , Voltage  and  Power . Current : Current  ( I ) is the  rate of flow  of  Charge Carriers ,  such as electrons . Current is usually thought of as moving in the direction of  positive charge , so from the  positive  power supply to the  negative . However, since in metals it