
In the wake of peace and harmony
To generate base under the greenwood trees,
In the piles of leaves dried and green;
To grow and deteriorate for sequential flow.
 Not for lust but for least of life
Which is immersed in deep thought?
And co-sequential flow in dearth
Whoever knows the hidden mystery?
To start and fly over the sky.
 And the ocean in order to create
For knowing the plants, creeper and herbs
 Immersed in the deep sense in the cave
Hills, rocks and sand and heaps of leaves
Not knowing someone is excited and scary in motion
To see the animals very ferocious and heinous
The thing which lags behind.
That are found and rescued from the unusual
 In the land which is the place without people
But suitable to take abode forever
Like the spiritual beams glittered in the waves
Over the sky and in motion glittering
Like the disappearance of the lost hopes
 And aspiration to flow on the earth
As if the dearth and demand to shock the world
That is left behind for ups and downs
To show the enlightened soul in the elated motion
 Sole hopes for fulfillment of forsaken blood.

My Diary on the Sea Coast
It was a hard rock to pass into the valley
In the trap of hills and the magnets fallen there
Each has attraction as if lodestone pulls over,
I have known the place as if my visit.
On the icy land seems to be hard and painstaking;
In every moments my knuckles are grazed with frost bits
To strengthen the biting stress intoning life's race.
It is my diary stitched in the mind with rock salts
In the cooking utensils mixed with meadow.
Rather than moving in the electric strips
For switching the hurdles of mind among risks
Underneath the stretched roots of the trees.
In the dark ocean bars of the shark angrily tethering
For grasping all the enemies at a glance as if
The Saturn and Jupiter are facing together to banish
From the earth and water in the deep ocean Atlantic.
Like the sweet voice in the dreams of a lady;
Who are unmarried but immersed to fly in the moon
My diary supplements messages to do some thing;
For the meadow upon the soil where the nature flourish
Day and night to grow lively leaves of the plants
To produce shades of peace everlasting hereinafter.

Tigers abound in Sundarbans,
My thrill to see for long days and morns.
Hidden inside the plants and trees;
Meadows with best ecosystem.
We were pleased so much
To see the beauteous outpourings;
And travelled in the beach,
Walked along the narrow way
Sometimes we climbed so high hedge
As parallel to the pine with beige.
As far as I looked at
Rippling with the waves of water
The sun shines so bright
With hopes to stay with might
In the sand beach along the bough
The boatmen rowing their oars
As hidden their heads
Underneath the shadow of the sail,
Dancing in the gentle breeze.

Tigers abound in Sundarbans
Our thrill to see them
As if walking and their prey
Our panic seize sometimes with footmarks,
In the light so enflamed.

Tigers found in tiger point
Foresters chased with guns and sticks,
Fled at last having no flesh
Foresters saw it with glad.
A few days ago
A dear bound in a fence
At night it was snatched
A tiger did it but no doubt
At this, the Foresters became despaired.

In the river we're in the boat
Very adjacent to the bank of the sea
To the beach when we reached
In the hope to see the tiger,
As the leaves nodded much
Ne'er to see it again.
Like the sweet voice in the dreams of a child
Telling of Sundarbans-the nature wild.
Valentine’s Day

Time is soaring but knack is wan away all
When humans are run by forlorn and fall;
Parallel to shadowy, privation and curse
Jostled for violence, commotion and hush.
Not even a solo rest delicately set to the fore
To bestow modesty and valor allied in score.
For kindling love, sanctity and vigor of mind
And high whack for mores and legacy declined.
Along despondent moved by home and hearth
Through hunting to seizing and morale to dearth
For clear exhorting and trailing of funds
Nix issue of morals, even care and trust
Time is art but flare if it is ranging glow
Apropos thoroughness to gently blow
The destiny of search amid of golden age
Where the crooks move along entourage
Like symbolizing honour, the flags of red and green
To blow our soil to harmonize sanctity and discipline
To cross the tavern to move with beauties of truth
For peace and happiness by everlasting its growth.

The Water Lily

In an evening walk by the river side
The water lily rapidly raised its head
A stormy wind was blowing in the rage
The glittering waves of water passed by.
The flower was flashing and outdoing one another
Switching and washing by the sun bath
It was uncommon jealousy of the snake
As if poisoned the turtles wrapped inside the flower
Having amazed I stood and startled motionless
What a joy I ever   wandered in the shadow of the river.
The river was so dark and severe to get  mixed
For everlasting the gestures of the golden stem.
Where the screaming snake did not know the consequence.
The glittering waves moved like never ending stars
The stars and planets being crazy
In the movement of the polestar to go upfront
Burning all day and night hereinafter for show.


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