The significance of Saba-e-Bart in the history of Muslim Ummah

There is no denying the fact that the holy Saba-e-Bart, identified as the night of affluence, will be pragmatic in the country on Sunday night with due spiritual dedication. Heartfelt Muslims would pass the night at mosques and homes offering prayers, reciting from the holy Qur'an and seeking blessings from the Almighty Allah for peace, progress, prosperity and happiness for themselves, their families, relatives, friends as well as the Muslim Unmah. Saba-e-Bart is considered as one of three most sacred nights. It is believed that on this night, the Almighty Allah decides the fate of all human beings, fixing their livelihood and fortune  for the next year. Devotees across the country would visit graves and pray for the peace of the departed souls of their beloved ones. Many will also visit the masers, shrines of saints all over the country.
Traditional foods like chapatti with beef and sweets would be organized in rural and urban areas across the country on Sunday afternoon. Many Muslims will fast on the following day, and will distribute food and sweets among the neighbors and poor on Sunday. Islam is the religion of peace, and the ideals of Islam are the means of welfare in this world and salvation in the . world hereafter. Along with mercy and blessings, we will pray for the continued progress and welfare of the country and greater unity of the Muslim Omaha on the holy night of Saba-e-Bart Bangladesh Television, Bangladesh Beta, private television channels and radio stations will air special programmers highlighting the significance of the occasion. The daily newspapers will publish special articles on the occasion.

The hadith is narrated by Hazrat Ali (RA) in which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
When it is the fifteenth of Shaban, then stand (in worship) at night and fast during the day. Because Allah descends in this night at sunset to the first heaven and says: ‘Is there any seeker of forgiveness, that I may forgive him? Is there any seeker of sustenance, that I may sustain him? Is there anyone in affliction, that I may remove his affliction? Is there anyone like this, like that (and so on)’. This continues until Fajr.” (Ibn Majah)
This hadith of Prophet (PBUH) gives two kinds of acts of worship a Muslim is to perform with regards to the celebration of Shab e Barat, whereas both these forms of worship share a single goal, and that is of asking of anything from Allah Almighty.
As per this hadith a Muslim is supposed to stay up during the night and indulge in worship of Allah Almighty,  The reason why Prophet (PBUH) commended worshiping at night is the fact that after the sunset of the 14th of Shaban, Allah Almighty comes to the first heaven, from where He calls upon the people and calls them to ask whatever they want and He will grant them. Therefore, no matter whatever is there that a Muslim wants from life, he or she can ask for it from Allah Almighty during this night. There can be no better significance of Shab e Barat compared to the freedom of asking whatever a person can ask from Allah Almighty, however, in order to do so a Muslim must take the path of prayers, which make the appeal more effective and add to the reward of the Muslim.
In another hadith, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: In the fifteenth night of Shaban, Allah manifests and forgives all His creation except for the Mushrik (idolater) and the spiteful.” (Ibn Majah). This hadith also shows another significant element of the fifteenth of Shaban. It is the night in which Allah Almighty forgives all those who believe in Him and who don’t hate others. Being human is like making errors and mistakes, therefore, it is quite natural that throughout the year a Muslim does makes mistakes. The Shab e Barat night is the one in which a Muslim can repent on the previous mistakes and sins with a true heart and receive forgiveness from Allah Almighty. It is in this night that a Muslim can turn towards Allah Almighty and find His doors of forgiveness open for him or her. Therefore, every Muslim must make use of this night and repent in front of Allah Almighty so that He forgives the sins that a person committed throughout the year.
Moreover, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also went out to pray for the deceased in the graveyard on this night as well, therefore, in addition to praying for his forgiveness, a Muslim must also visit the graveyard and ask Allah for the forgiveness of the ones who are no more a part of the life of a Muslim. Hence, Shab e Barat needs to be utilized for the purpose of seeking forgiveness for one’s self and all those who matter at present or the ones who have passed away to the hereafter.
IIn view of the evident it is obvious that in a nutshell, the 15th night of Shaban is one of the blessed and bountiful nights of the Islamic year. A Muslim must make full use of this night and the day that precedes it. He or she must stand during the night praying and ask forgiveness and mercy from Allah Almighty, while during the day, Muslims should try keeping a fast to gain maximum benefits and rewards from the blessed night.


  1. This is a significant day and the day of saying prayer for the muslims


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