Blood everywhere

No one thinks such devastating massacre
As if bedded on to spoil the spirit hereinafter;
Not to survive any longer in the meadow
For ever movement in the level headed rocks.
Life is a terrestrial zone of lively leaves
Being dried on further process of symbiotic organs.
The theme-tic concentrating as a tone of passive
In the wake of mysterious chronicle events.
The miscreants  never hesitate  to shoot the innocent
People on the streets laden with separate solitary
In the woodlands like the leaves dried not lining
With humidity, moisture, ice soaked as if
The dead elephant is ransacking every where in the hole.
Like a flock of sheep finding foods for life
And death in the sense to make restless the earth
For behaving cruelty as long as they survive
For not being articulated as a beam of the usual sun
In the race of cloudy and eerie upon the lackluster
As if being deadly and arctic like the polar bear.
The people on the race not being amused but
Being shy and restless searching suitable means
To survive in  a place without people.


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