Dr Faustus, a central character of Dr. Christophor Marlowe

Christopher Marlawe, a Pre-Shakespearean poet and author whose great achievement is Dr. Faustus where he has tried to enlighten his historical background in flourishing a great success in the field of religion and resurrections of life which revolutionized a tremendous but wonderful age of science, religion, divinity and renaissance. Dr. Faustus's soul has been come down to this ephemeral world as a shower of deadly sins and some aesthetes of reforms of human society. Dr. Faustus was an uncommon talent in the sky of Divinity, philosophy and psychology in Utenburg University in Germany for which he had had the recognition of the world as a rare personality. Having observed such divinity and brightness in his soul, Lucifer grew jealous of him and thought within himself that he would purchase the soul of Faustus in exchange of giving 24 years kingdom in the world.

Afterwards, considering positive views, Lucifer had sent proposal to Dr. Faustus through Mephistopheles by visualizing that he would take pleasure from the world, as he would like to do so for fulfilling his mission by committing deadly sins, as he deems fit. Afterwards, Dr. Faustus circumstantially carefully thought about the proposal of Lucifer and asked Mephistopheles regarding the creation of the world. In reply, Mephistopheles informed him that Lucifer had got all sorts of preeminence to control over hell and he wishes to invite him to the hell by way of a deed. Faustus further asked the deputy of Lucifer about the creation of the world and the heaven. Mephistopheles did not say any single word regarding this and remained silent for a while and after that he went away. In the next day, Mephistopheles came and tried to realize his consent and having heard this, Faustus had given his consent and determined to sign the bond and aftermath one-day, he had signed the deed. During 24 years kingdom, he had committed seven deadly sins and he had enjoyed the world, as he had liked to do so as he had murdered uncountable people to satisfy his wrath, sloth and blood appetite.

In the next, his evil doings were very fatal and jeopardized the lives of the people. He had destroyed houses after houses to make his shelter permanently on earth like heaven. He had tasted every crime and promoted his soul as the souls of devil which tantamount to the work of Lucifer, the so-called owner of hell. The logic that has worked in the heart of Faustus is that being supremacy, he must try to master every impossible things into possible and within his own jurisdiction and even he had learned the murky world, which was out of enlightened world. His quest of knowledge was perfect in the sense of insincere and dishonest mood not in ideal perspective ideology.

During the course of that time, Christopher Marlowe was of uncommon talent in using blank verse in creating an epic tragedy type of literary works where one man's achievement and life styles would be vividly expressed. Marlowe found truth in using blank verse that in every of the facts and figures envisaging the ups and downs of the actor must be stigmatized or honored by his fate and fortune. In the context of Dr. Faustus, Marlowe has tried to reflect the following critics, which are the miracle history through out the whole world.

Religious flow: In order to be enlightened properly one needs to be conversant with religion. Marlowe has tried to show this criteria and has reflected the basic strategy which are hidden and flourished in course of time by utmost efforts and hardihood in a systematic and exemplary manner. To speak the truth, Dr. Faustus has administered 'Black Art' which are the murky world and the people through out the world practice it to flourish a relationship with lively and mortal soul. He had tried to establish such maxim of scientific research in order to spread his craftsmanship in cultivating the dark world. He has explored some magic spells with which the departed souls surround him with the message of good fortune and bad fortune.

The process of resurrection: Dr. Faustus is the portrait of evil soul as Marlowe has tried to show and reflect the critic attitude of lamentation and regeneration through thick and thin. He had committed seven deadly sins from which he was not absolved. He did not know the creator while signing the bond with Mephistopheles but in the end as a token of tragedy; he came to learn the actual mystery of creation of the world and the existence of Lord. He begged apologies to God and had tried to exonerate from the punishment of hell but his soul was ultimately handed over to the hands of Lucifer, supreme power of hell. According to Lucifer, he is right in the sense that he had purchased Faustus's soul in exchange of 24 years kingdom in the earth for which Faustus agreed happily and had ruled over unduly in the earth, which was in no circumstances recognized in the eye of honest personality. During his ruling, he had never tried to learn the existence of God, which he became conversant in the last part of his life.

Faustus had created a miracle history in the world in the perception that he had committed crime in such a manner, which were the extreme and deadly affairs from which one can never get rid of. Due to the fact, God has created the human beings to applause him to beautify the earth by their bestowed knowledge and skills whatever he would learn during his lifetime. But Faustus, being uncommon genius, he had spent his life through darkness and evil manner and as such, despite his regeneration all his hopes and entreaty had been nipped in the bud. This is tremendous tragedy that has been created by Marlowe for which consequences were very mischievous and fatal.

The fact is that Dr. Faustus learned the real logic of knowledge but he applied the sense of divinity and perfection in complete evil manner. This is the difference between an evil person and a good person. Hence Somerset Maugham says,

" It is difficult to pass over the razor's edge,
But the wise say, the path to salvation is hard"

In view of the above, it is obvious that Dr. Faustus became lamented and whatever attitude and feelings had been expressed in the next for remission of punishment envisage the basic needs of the earth. The people on earth want peace and prosperity even though they commit crime. To the eye of almighty, the super power of the world, everything is worthy of forgiving except committing crimes like Faustus. The wrongs and the blunder, that is the murky and the honesty go side by side and this world is so beautiful with the mixture of the two. The adjustment between the two is fatal which Dr. Faustus repeatedly and spontaneously had committed and these phenomena are not acceptable by God. So, the evils committed by Faustus were not inclined to forgive. Though, he was regenerating and had an ultimate object to get rid of from the hands of Lucifer, but he could not be able to come over the difficulties because his deadly sins had not permitted him to leave his past behavior in question. But his process of regeneration has created a miracle history to cultivate the strength and power of spiritual world.

Dr. Faustus was an uncommon talent and his knowledge in almost every branch were undoubtedly the realm of truth and good harvest in the eye of universal perfection. Lucifer, the veteran devil having seen the trend of divinity and real soul had sent him to hell by deteriorating him in the darkness of evil doings. The force that has been intensified in the backbone of Faustus was embedded on mischievous debris and heinous conspiracy by Lucifer. The fatal consequences of Faustus show the human society how to lead his life in ideal manner. The teachings of human beings that we achieve are particularly logical for real life to enter into the path of truth and the actual rhyme of salvation.


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